Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Welcome to my bench

Ok! Here we go - blogging and making jewellery.

Lately I've found that the momentum of part time jewellery making has been hard to sustain so my plan is that blogging will be motivation to get on with it. (no, it's not a distraction or an avoidance tool!)

It will also give me the opportunity to play with my camera more as well as show everybody what I'm getting up to.

I'm still figuring out how to link to Flickr (as well as get that page sorted out!) and I have some further page decoration to set up but this is a start so here's my bench today.......


shannon said...

your work is beautiful. the world needs to see it

Liana Kabel said...

Good job Miss J!

SamJ said...

Good one jesika! we all know how talented you everyone else will!

Jesika Jack said...

Thanks girls! That means a lot!

Rebecca-the-Wrecker said...

yay! love ya work.

bobblogger said...

So that's where the magic happens...

Jesika Jack said...

Don't you know it, Bobblogger!!!